Bernard Grodzinski

Bernie Grodzinski
Professor (retired)
Adjunct Professor



519-824-4120 x53439


Ph.D. York University


Edmund C. Bovey Building


4243 ECB

My primary interests are on photosynthesis, C-partitioning and productivity. Physiology and biochemical studies include, studying leaf photosynthesis and export. In addition, we are investigating CO2 and hydrocarbon exchanges of plants in sealed environments such as commercial greenhouses and specialized chambers being designed for the manned space program (Grodzinski 1992, Bioscience 42:517-525). We are also developing methods for the early detection of diseases in plants by using the plant as the sensor. For example, we are using photosynthesis, export and respiration profiles to monitor host/pathogen interactions. The Guelph team (SALSA, Space and Life Support Agriculture) of which I am a director works with Canadian greenhouse industries, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Kennedy Space Centre (NASA). In the life support programs plants are viewed as essential machines for long-term missions because they are a sustainable food source, engines of gas exchange (CO2 scrubbing, O2 production) and water purifiers (leaf transpiration). A better understanding of natural ecotype variation, genetics and physiology of photosynthesis and productivity is fundamental to both the space program and the commercial greenhouse industry. Genetic approaches currently being pursued include modifying plants for better light interception. Candidate species are being selected for more efficient photosynthesis and growth at low light simplifying many constraints and limitation to hardware design in sealed environments. In all plantings reduced productivity results from mutual shading and low light.


BIOL*1050 Biology of Plants and Animals in Managed Ecosystems
HORT*3280 Greenhouse Crop Production
PLNT*6010 Physiology of Crop Yield

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Selected Publications:

Leonardos, E.D. and B. Grodzinski. (2000). Photosynthesis, export and carbon partitioning in leaves of C3, C4 , and C3/C4 Panicum and Flaveria species at ambient and elevated CO2. Plant, Cell & Environment. 23: 839-851.

Grodzinski, B., J. Jiao, V.L. Knowles and W.C. Plaxton. (1999). Photosynthesis and carbon partitioning in transgenic tobacco plants lacking leaf cytosolic pyruvate kinase. Plant Physiology. 120: 887-895.

Jiao, J., P. Goodwin, and B. Grodzinski. (1999). Inhibition of photosynthesis and export in geranium grown at two CO2 levels and infected with X. campestris pv. Pelargonii. Plant, Cell & Environment. 22: 15-25.

Grodzinski, B., J. Jiao, and E.D. Leonardos. (1998). Estimating photosynthesis and concurrent export rates in C3 and C4 species at ambient and elevated CO2. Plant Physiology. 117: 207-215.

Jiao, J. and B. Grodzinski. (1998). Environmental influences on photosynthesis and carbon export in greenhouse roses during development of the flowering shoot. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 123: 1081-1088.

Jiao, J. and B. Grodzinski. (1996). The effect of leaf temperature and photorespiratory conditions on export of sugars during steady-state photosynthesis in Salvia splendens. Plant Physiology. 111: 169-178.