Darren Robinson

Darren Robinson
Weed Management Specialist



519-674-1500 x63604


B.Sc. Biology, University of Winnipeg;
M.Sc. Plant Pathology, University of Manitoba;
Ph.D. Weed Crop Competition, University of Guelph


Ridgetown Campus


201 RIDG

My research interests are weed management in vegetable crops, the influence of cultural practices and soil fertility on crop-weed competition, and the effect of herbicide residues on production of vegetable crops. The management of weeds in vegetable crops has been a significant component of this research program, and currently is focused on the development of integrated weed management strategies. Recent or current projects include:

  • Effect of pyroxasulfone residues on high value crops
  • Weed management in processing peas
  • Control of linuron-resistant green pigweed in carrot
  • Integration of cover crops in seed corn and snap bean rotations
  • Use of micro-rates for weed control in red beet
  • Weed competition and light attenuation in living mulch systems for sweet corn


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Selected Publications:

Rojas, M.A., L.L. Van Eerd, I.P. O’Halloran, P.H. Sikkema and D.E. Robinson. (2016). Effect of herbicide residues on fall-seeded cover crops influence soil aggregate stability and mineral N. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. DOI: 10.1139/cjps-2016-0078.

Taziar, A.N., N. Soltani, C. Shropshire, D.E. Robinson, M. Long, C.L. Gillard and P.H. Sikkema. (2016). Sulfentrazone tank mix partners for weed control in white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 96: 1037-1044.

Li, Z., R. Van Acker, D.E. Robinson, N. Soltani and P.H. Sikkema. (2015). Halosulfuron tank mixes applied PRE in white bean. Weed Technology. 30: 57-66.

Yu, L., L.L. Van Eerd, I. O'Halloran, P.H. Sikkema and D.E. Robinson. (2015). Response of four fall-seeded cover crops to residues of selected herbicides. Crop Protection. 75: 11-17.

LeClair, E., R.L. Conner, D.E. Robinson and C.L. Gillard. (2015). Transmission of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with artificial and natural inoculum in a wet and dry canopy. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 95: 913-921.

Yu, L., L.L. Van Eerd, I. O'Halloran, P.H. Sikkema, and D. Robinson. (2014). Response of four spring-seeded cover crops to residues of selected herbicides. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 95: 303-313.

McNaughton, K.E., P.H. Sikkema and D.E. Robinson. (2013). Response of processing tomato to simulated bromoxynil drift followed by in-crop metribuzin application. Weed Technology. 27: 762-767.

Robinson, D.E., N. Soltani, C. Shropshire and P.H. Sikkema. (2013). Cyprosulfamide safens isoxaflutole in sweet corn (Zea mays L.). HortScience. 48: 1262-1265.

Robinson, D.E., K.E. McNaughton and D. Bilyea. (2013). Comparison of sequential preemergence-postemergence and postemergence-alone weed management strategies during critical period of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 93: 863-870.