Forage Publications -- out of print
This information is provided as a public service, but we cannot guarantee that the information is current or accurate. Readers should verify the information before acting on it
- Risk of alfalfa winterkill (91-072) [2.3 MB]
- Browsing vs cutting alfalfa in the fall (IFIP August 1978) [80 KB]
- Re-establishing alfalfa after alfalfa (IFIP July 1987) [78 KB]
- Facts concerning the use of alfalfa in Ontario (IFIP September 1983) [79 KB]
- Alfalfa Rhizobia in southern Ontario soils (IFIP March 1979) [347 KB]
- Boron fertilization of alfalfa (July 1986) [1.0 MB]
- Fertilizer practices for alfalfa production (87-034) [481 KB]
- Early warning system for alfalfa weevil management (86-029) [348 KB]
- Potato leafhopper in alfalfa (82-028) [622 KB]
- Insects on regrowth alfalfa in Ontario (IFIP May 1982) [81 KB]
Other Forage Legumes
- Pasture legume identified (88-078, OMAFRA) [1.3 MB]
- Red clover in Ontario (81-080) [1.1 MB]
- Producing red clover seed in Ontario (85-068) [1.4 MB]
- Red clover management options for no-till corn (IFIP April 1993) [1.4 MB]
- Birdsfoot trefoil production (86-010) [1.2 MB]
- Establishment of birdsfoot trefoil (76-102) [5.9 MB]
- Birdsfoot trefoil seed production (85-111) [1.5 MB]
Forage Grasses
- European skipper (80-037) [738 KB]
- Perennial ryegrass seed production in Ontario (IFIP March 1990) [83 KB]
Forage Production
- Selecting a perennial forage (75-054) [575 KB]
- Successful forage establishment (80-013) [847 KB]
- Planting and harvesting dates in Ontario (85-079) [1.0 MB]
- Fertilizer use in forage establishment (78-061) [542 KB]
- Sulfur and sulfate fertilizers-Do we need them? (IFIP September 1988) [87 KB]
- Gypsum fails to improve yield or quality of forage (IFIP January 1978) [81 KB]
- Advantages of timely haying (N-3-80-10M) [626 KB]
- Growing quality horse hay (IFIP May 1978) [78 KB]
- Nematodes-Problems in forage production (IFIP April 1985) [84 KB]
Forage Quality
- Common weeds poisonous to grazing livestock -Part A (87-017) [678 KB]
- Common weeds poisonous to grazing livestock - Part B (87-018) [637 KB]
- Poisoning of livestock by plants (87-016) [1.2 MB]
Storage & Handling
- Determining moisture content of alfalfa using a microwave oven (78-040) [477 KB]
- Quality hay crop silage (79-049) [989 KB]
- Harvesting and storing big bale haylage (88-094) [1.2 MB]
- Heat damage in hay-crop silage (76-007) [1.1 MB]
- Farm silo selection (81-060) [1.3 MB]
- Understanding the big bale business (IFIP June 1989) [90 KB]
- Large package hay equipment (79-036) [1.0 MB]
- Big bale hay storage (88-052) [1.1 MB]
- Barn hay drying (88-110) [967 KB]