Mehrzad (Milad) Eskandari

B.Sc. University of Arsenjan;
M.Sc. University of Karaj;
Ph.D. University of Guelph
The main focus of our overall research program is developing high-yielding specialty soybeans, both by conventional and molecular genetic-based methods. Our breeding program aims to develop new superior cultivars with higher yield and quality with resistance or tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. One of the priorities in the breeding program to improve the quality of high yield soybeans is the elevation of seed protein content with enhanced amino acid profiles and low phytate. This program also emphasizes the development of high-yielding high oil soybeans with modified fatty acid composition suitable for both food and industrial implications.
A better understanding of the chromosomal regions and genes underlying important agronomic and seed quality traits in soybean will make the breeding programs more efficient. To reveal the genetic control of important traits, including seed yield, oil and protein concentrations, fatty acid profile, and amino acid composition, high-throughput molecular techniques and statistical methods have been used to analyze phenotypic divergences within and between our breeding populations. To detect QTL and genes associated with the traits of interest, we use linkage disequilibrium and association mapping methods and the candidate gene approach.
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Selected Publications:
Eskandari, M., G.R. Ablett, I. Rajcan, B.T. Stirling and D. Fischer. (2017). OAC Candor soybean. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 97 (2): 390-392. DOI: 10.1139/cjps-2016-0224.
Eskandari, M., G.R. Ablett, I. Rajcan, D. Fischer and B.T. Stirling. (2017). OAC Prosper soybean. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 97 (2): 337-339. DOI: 10.1139/cjps-2016-0210.
Eskandari, M., G.R. Ablett, I. Rajcan, B.T. Stirling and D. Fischer. (2017). OAC Brooke soybean. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 97 (1): 199-201. DOI: 10.1139/cjps-2016-0179.
Hemingway, J., M. Eskandari and I. Rajcan. (2015). Genetic and Environmental Effects on Fatty Acid Composition in Soybeans with Potential Use in Automotive Industry. Crop Science. 55 (2): 658-668.
Eskandari M., E.R. Cober and I. Rajcan. (2013). Using the candidate gene approach for detecting genes underlying seed oil concentration and yield in soybean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 126 (7): 1839-50. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-013-2096-7.
Eskandari M., E.R. Cober and I. Rajcan. (2013). Genetic control of soybean seed oil: II. QTL and genes that increase oil concentration without decreasing protein or with increased seed yield. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 126 (6): 1677-87. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-013-2083-z.
Eskandari M., E.R. Cober and I. Rajcan. (2013). Genetic control of soybean seed oil: I. QTL and genes associated with seed oil concentration in RIL populations derived from crossing moderately high oil parents. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 126 (2): 483-95. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-012-1995-3.