Joshua Nasielski

J. Nasielski
Assistant Professor
MacSon Professorship



519-824-4120 x58704


B.Sc(Env.) Environmental Economics and Policy, University of Guelph;
M.Sc. Physical Geography, University of Toronto;
Ph.D. Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph


Crop Science Building


408 CRSC

I am starting a research program aimed at finding solutions to agronomic problems faced by farmers in eastern and northern Ontario. My research interests focus on the agronomy and crop physiology of field crops (spring cereals, corn, soybeans and legumes). Unique to this research program is a built-in collaboration with the scientific staff and facilities located at the Winchester, New Liskeard and Emo agricultural research stations.


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Selected Publications:

Nasielski, J., Earl, H., Deen, B. (2019).  Luxury vegetative nitrogen uptake in maize buffers grain yield under post-silking water and nitrogen stress: a mechanistic understanding. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10.

Furze, J., Martin, A.R., Nasielski, J., Thevathasan, N., Gordon, A., Issac, M.E. (2017). Resistance and resilience of root fungal communities to water limitation in a temperate agroecosystem. Ecology and Evolution. 7(10): 3443-3454.

Nasielski, J., KC, K.B., Johnstone, G., Baran, E. (2016). When is a fisher (not) a fisher in Cambodia? Representations of rural livelihoods on occupational surveys. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 23: 478-488

Nasielski, J., Furze, J., Tan, J.D., Bargaz, A., Thevathasan, N., Isaac, M.E. (2015). Agroforestry promotes soybean yield stability and N2-fixation rates under water limited conditions. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 35: 1541-1449

Baran, E., Guerin, E., Nasielski, J. (2015). Fish, Sediments and Dams in the Mekong. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. 108 pp.

Baran, E., Chheng Phen, Ly Vuthy, Nasielski J., Saray Samadee, Touch Bunthang, Tress J., Kaing Khim, Tan Sokhom. (2014). Fish resources in Cambodia (2001-2011). Chapter 4 in: SCW (ed.): Atlas of Cambodia - socio-economic development and environment.  Save Cambodia's Wildlife, Phnom Penh.