Manish Raizada and his graduate students have made a discovery which may benefit farmers worldwide. To learn more about how an ancient crop and a microbe can partner up for the benefit of subsistence...26 Sep 2016 |
The 2016 MidWest Tour
Read about the tour group's 2016 adventures to the United States MidWest for two weeks. The tour is made up of Plant Agriculture Graduate and Undergraduate students under...13 Sep 2016 |
Gary Csöff, an MSc student with the Department of Plant Agriculture has been featured in "A Day in the Life: OAC Grad Students". Working with his advisors Profs. Rene Van Acker,...30 Aug 2016 |
David Wolyn is a professor in our Department of Plant Agriculture. His research focuses on plant breeding and genetics, specifically for asparagus and Russian dandelion. More information on David...17 Aug 2016 |
OAC Weeds Team 2016 wins at Northeast Weed Science Society Collegiate Weed Contest
On Tuesday July 26th, 2016, the University of Guelph OAC Weeds Team participated in the Northeast Weed Science...10 Aug 2016 |
The Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming (GCUOF) Thursday Organic Market begins August 18th! The market runs from 2:30pm - 6:30pm every Thursday until the end of the fall.
More...10 Aug 2016 |
Plant Agriculture Faculty, staff, and students participate in the joint meeting of the Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) and The Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS) in Montreal
5...10 Aug 2016 |
Meaghan Grguric, a graduate student with the Department of Plant Agriculture has been featured in an article on CBC.ca entitled Giant hogweed: why we can't stop the spread of a toxic plant....25 Jul 2016 |
Prof. Barry Shelp, Department of Plant Agriculture, delivered the “Gold Medal” lecture at annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists, which was recently held at Queen...19 Jul 2016 |
Dear Plant Ag,
Please join us for the Wheat Breeding Program Open house on July 19th at the Elora Research Station. See poster below/attached and please RSVP (aharris@mail.uoguelph.ca)....08 Jul 2016 |