Eating Niagara: A Peach of a Story
August 13, 2019 by Tiffany Mayer Special to the St. Catharines Standard

Jay Subramanian, a University of Guelph tree fruit breeder based in Vineland, holds a Veeblush peach, a new variety of early season peach that’s been grown commercially for the past three years. There’s a push to develop peaches that are ready earlier and taste better than existing early peaches with the hope of capturing more consumers and keeping them loyal to local harvests throughout the season. - Tiffany Mayer, Special to Torstar
If you're the type who refuses to eat local peaches until Redhavens hit farm stand in mid-August, prepare to change your ways.
There's a peach in my fridge right now that will mae those who snub the first fuzzy orbs of the season instead rush to the farm stand the day peach season starts.
It's called Veeblush, and Jay Subramanian, the University of Guelph tree fruit tree breeder who ushered it from his lab in Vineland into Niagara orchards three years ago, beams when he talks about it.
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