GCUOF Guided Tour


On July 25, 2024, Mike Smith, GCUOF Farm Coordinator, gave a guided tour of the Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farm (GCUOF). 

The GCUOF is a demonstration urban organic farm that specialized in small scale organic agriculture. The tour highlighted the project and give all the opportunity to see about 2 acres of diversified crops, surrounded by the Arboretum. UofG students grow a wide range of certified organic crops that are distributed on campus via Hospitality Services, a Sliding Scale Market in the fall, and through the CSA Food Bank. In short, the Centre teaches students to grow food that is then consumed by students right here on campus.  

Mike Smith speaking to a university group touring the GCUOF
LGBTQ2+ flower border
Table of garlic bulbs drying in a greenhouse
Crucifer seedlings waiting to be planted
GCUOF Student
Asparagus plants
Brussel sprout plant
Speaking on how to protect plants
Mike Smith showing a cover that is used to protect the plants from being eaten by animals
Tour group
GCUOF student using a piece of equipment
GCUOF student showing how to weed
Tour group
Mike speaking to the group
How the GCUOF grows tomatoes
Showcasing a rototiller
Tour group