
Tropical Agriculture Magazine

Launch of Special Issue of the Trinidad Journal Tropical Agriculture - IDRC Project

Congratulation go to Jay Subramanian for the successful launch of the special issue of the journal Tropical Agriculture that comes out from Trinidad for the past 75 years. This issue contains...26 Jul 2018
A farmer in India sprays hexanal on mango trees.

Stopping the rot - How a natural compound called hexanal is helping prevent India’s lucrative fruit crops from spoiling

  Posted by Brian Owens on May 4, 2018 IDRC A farmer in India sprays hexanal on mango trees. Hexanal is a naturally-occurring compound that’s being used to prevent fruit crops in...24 May 2018
Honours & Awards

Travis Cranmer - One of Guelph's "Top 20 under 40"

Travis Cranmer, one of Plant Ag's own is now one of Guelph top "20 under 40." Article from the Guelph Tribune dated April 5, 2018 Travis Cranmer has his dream job. "I...11 Apr 2018
Honours & Awards

Rodger Tschanz & U of G win Soft Landscape Supplier of the Year at Canada Blooms

Saturday, March 17, 2018 Rodger Tschanz was presented with the Soft Landscape Supplier of the Year award at the Canada Blooms show in Toronto. Kudos go to Rodger, Plant Ag, and U of G...19 Mar 2018
Canadian Phytopathological Society logo without text

The Canadian Phytopathological Society’s Best Educational Video Awards 2017-2018

Eligibility All graduate students, undergraduate students, research technicians and post-doctoral fellows conducting their research in plant sciences/plant pathology are eligible for the...06 Mar 2018
Scholarship Banner

Scholarship Available

  Dave Lambert Agricultural Scholarship The Niagara Peninsula Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association (NPF & VGA) is offering a $1,500 scholarship to any student accepted to,...20 Feb 2018
Volunteer Hands

College Royal 2018 Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed for Plant Ag's participation in College Royal on March 17 and 18, 2018. Contact Gisele Angel for more information and to volunteer your time. 13 Feb 2018
Honours and Awards Banner

Two Plant Ag Grad Students Win Awards at Weed Science Society of America Conference

At the 58th annual meeting of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) in Arlington, Virginia, two of our graduate students in the Department of Plant Agriculture won awards. This is an impressive...06 Feb 2018
Plants in dry, cracked soil.

Drs. Earl and Rajcan featured in Feb.Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine

Defining roots to defy drought SOYBEAN WATER STRESS RESEARCH February 2018 Amy Petherick  EVEN IN A wet year, if soybeans don’t get rain in a critical week, that water stress...02 Feb 2018

Dr. C. Swanton and Dr. D. Hume Presented with Betty Clyde Award (2017 & 2018) at Aggies Good Time Banquet

Plant Ag not only grows outstanding plants but also cultivates outstanding staff and faculty! For two straight years in a row, a Plant Ag professor has won the Betty Clyde Award which is awarded...29 Jan 2018


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