Marking Schemes & Distributions
The course instructor, Melanie Kalischuk, must receive a signed copy of the Marking Scheme (Form B) and project outline no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 13, 2023 (Please use appended Form A). Late submission without a reasonable excuse will result in a 10 percent deduction from the final mark. The outline does not need to be longer than a paragraph. It must not exceed one page, and must clearly state the overall objective of the student’s research program, and explain in general terms how the student expects to accomplish this.
The student and the scientific advisor need to provide a list of the assignments or other gradable components that the student will submit during the semester (Please use appended Form A). At least one grading component worth a minimum of 20% must be submitted and graded prior to the 40th day of class (March 10, 2023). The course instructor, Melanie Kalischuk, will review the outline and marking scheme and email both the student and the advisor a letter of approval or a request for specific changes. Changes will only be requested if it appears that the project or gradable components are unsuitable for this course.
There must be a minimum of four (4) gradable components. Each component must be named, have a short description of its nature, a specific due date, and a credit value assigned. This document is to be signed and dated by both the advisor and the student.
Assessment Details
Formal Research Report (graded by the advisor) (35%)
Due: Specify date on marking scheme Form A (i.e., a date at the end of semester/classes)
The research report should be a minimum of 2000 words (8-10 pages, double spaced) in length, exclusive of references.
The report must include the following content:
- The objective of the research, including the research question that was addressed.
- The rationale for the research proposed, including appropriate background information.
- The hypotheses (propositions) to be tested and the reasoning upon which they are based.
- The specific prediction(s) derived from the hypothesis.
- A rationale for the proposed experimental design and procedures.
- A detailed description of the experimental design and protocol, including data analysis.
- The potential sources of error and other limitations of the proposed method.
- Results, including appropriate measures of variability.
- A Discussion of the results in terms of the initial hypotheses.
- A discussion of the practical significance and reasonableness of your findings.
- A discussion of the results in the context of existing information on the topic - how do your results compare - why do they differ?
- A critical commentary on the limitations of the research: What are the possible sources of error? What couldn't you show? What would you like to do differently? What would you suggest as a next step in investigating the problem?
All sources (including methods) must be cited. A list of references must be included.
STUDENTS MUST DISCUSS THE DETAILED FORM AND CONTENT OF THE REPORT WITH THEIR ADVISOR. A weighting of >35% is acceptable. Submission of a draft version for separate grading is acceptable.
A Written Reflection on the Research Experience (Graded by the instructor) (5%)
Due: Mon,April 4, 2023 - 4:00 PM
A short (minimum 1000 words; maximum 2000 words), informal report on the personal insights into the research process the student has gained during the semester. Your discussion should address the following questions:
- What have you learnt about the process of research?
- What insights have you gained about the limitations of the research enterprise?
- What do you feel was your major accomplishment this semester and why?
- What was the most useful experience you gained through the experience and why?
- What do you value most about the experience and why?
- What insights have you gained about your relationship to the research process? How did you come to this insight?
The assignment will be graded on clarity of presentation and organization, and the effective use of evidence and specific examples. This assignment will be graded by the course instructor (Dr. Kalischuk) and must be submitted electronically as a word or pdf document by e-mail to prior to the due date (April 4, 2023 at 4:00 pm). Late submissions will not be accepted without medical or other appropriate supporting documentation.
Final Poster Presentation (Graded by the advisor) (30%)
Date: Scheduled individually during exam period with the student and advisor, TBD: Virtual AD-S (MS Teams) or in-person
The poster presentation is worth 30 percent of final mark (10 percent for the poster; 20 percent for the presentation and discussion). A formal presentation of the poster and project results will be scheduled individually with the student and the advisor at the end of each semester.
The poster must minimally include the following content:
- Title
- Student and Advisor Names and Affiliations
- Collaborator Names and Affiliations (if appropriate)
- Relevant background information.
- The objective of the research and the hypothesis that was tested
- A summary of the methods
- The results (presented as tables or graphs, with appropriate statistical analysis)
- A discussion of the implications, limitations and significance of the results
- A summary of your conclusions
- Acknowledgements (including sources of research support)
- All sources must be cited on the poster and must include a list of references.
The poster may present incomplete results. Students must discuss the detailed form and content of the poster with their advisor.
Each student will have 40-50 minutes to present their poster to the course instructor and advisor and to answer questions concerning their poster and project.
Remainder of grade to be determined as per individual learning contract with faculty advisor (30%)
Graded by the advisor. Refer to Section 6.1 Marking Schemes and Distributions for details.