Grad Student Winners at Plant Canada Conference
Grad students from Prof. McDonald's lab were recognized at the recent Plant Canada conference that took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba July 7-10. This was a joint meeting of six scientific societies.
Grad student Kirsten Holy received first place for her poster from the Canadian Phytopathological Society.
Grad student Ifesinachi Nelson Ezeh received a third place award for his poster from both the Canadian Phytopathological Society and the Canadian Society for Horticultural Sciences and best photo for people category at the Canadian Phytopathological Society photo Contest at the Plant Canada 2024.
Grad student Umbrin Ilyas received the Plant Canada award from the Canadian Society for Horticultural Sciences for first place in the student oral presentation competition and 2nd place in the CPS - Photo contest at Plant Canada Metting 2024. The title of my photo is "Guardians of the Green: A Plant Pathologist on Mission to Detect Airborne Diseases in Commercial Plant Growth Chambers".
Prof. Melanie Kalischuk is the Ontario representative for the CSHS and chair of the awards committee of CSHS.