Witherspoon talks sod with CBC
See the full CBC article here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/sod-shortage-predicted-in-windsor-after-total-decimation-1.2641023
Windsor may be facing a sod shortage due to an unusually harsh winter, according to Louie Stankovich of L&M Sod Farm. Forty hectares of sod on his farm were decimated with the cold autumn and extensive winter season.
Rob Witherspoon, director of the University of Guelph Turfgrass Institute, said the sod shortage is specific to the Windsor area. But across Ontario, many golf courses can't seem to find the sod needed in order to make repairs to their lawns.
Witherspoon said he is only aware of a shortage of bentgrass sod, which is a specialty variety used primarily for golf courses and lawn bowling plots.
Since this winter was exceptionally harsh, and spring came late, there was considerable damage to golf course grass, said Witherspoon.