Theo Blom

Ir. (Agricultural engineer) Agriculture University, Wageningen, The Netherlands;
Ph.D. University of Guelph
The floriculture research program is directed at solving the needs of the floricultural greenhouse industry with using applied research objectives. Many of the projects are industry supported and in cooperation with other OMAF personnel, AAFC Vineland research group and other university personnel.
The projects involve a comprehensive research program to improve various production management techniques for both cut flowers and potted plants through 4 objectives:
- plant modifications through light quality, temperature manipulation, water temperature, change in biorhythm, or other non-chemical means.
- more efficient use of production inputs such as energy, light, carbon dioxide and temperature control.
- more sustainable production through optimizing nutrients and water through recirculation and disease management.
- improvement of increased acceptability through species/cultivar selection or improved postharvest quality of potted plants or cut flowers.
The use of overhead cold irrigation water is an environmentally friendly and an economically competitive alternative to using chemical plant growth regulators for Easter lilies.
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Selected Publications:
Zhen, Y., T.J. Blom and M. Dixon. (2006). Moving lamps increase leaf photosynthetic capacity but not the growth of potted gerbera. Scientia Horticulturae. 107: 380-385.
Blom, T.J., D. Kerec, W. Brown and D. Kristie. (2004). Irrigation method and temperature of water affect height of potted Easter lilies. HortScience. 39 (1): 71-74.
Verberkt, H., R. Heins and T.J. Blom. (2004). Supplemental lighting of potted plants. Chapter in Lighting Up Profits. P. Fischer and E. Runkle(eds.). Publisher: Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, Ohio. ISBN 1-892829-10-X. First edition. 72-78.
Blom, T.J. (2004). End-of-day light responses in lilies. Research Highlight in Lighting Up Profits. P. Fischer and E. Runkle(eds.). Publisher: Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, Ohio. ISBN 1-892829-10-X. First Edition. 74-75.
Dale, A. and T.J. Blom. (2004). Far-red Light alters primocane morphology of red raspberry. HortScience. 39 (5): 973-974.
Gracia-Garza, J.A., T.J. Blom, W. Brown, D.P. Roberts, K. Schneider, M. Friesen and D. Gombert. (2004). Increased incidence of Erwinia soft-rot on calla lilies in the presence of phosphorous. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 110: 293-289.
Blom, T.J. and D. Kerec. (2003). Effects of far-red light / temperature DIF and far-red light / temperature pulse combinations on height of lily hybrids. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 78 (2): 278-282.
Gracia-Garza, J.A., M. Little, W. Brown, T.J. Blom., K. Schneider, W. Allen and J. Potter. (2003). Efficacy of various biological control agents and biorationals against Pythium root rot in poinsettia. HortTechnology. 13 (1): 149-153.
Blom, T.J. and M.J. Tsujita. (2003). Cut Rose Production. In: Encyclopedia of Rose Science by A. Roberts, T. Debener and S. Gudin (eds.). Elsevier Academic press. Volume 2: 594-600.
Blom, T.J., W. Brown, C.L. Chu, W.T. Liu, L. Skog. (2002). Easter lilies react differently to short- or long-term exposure of ethylene or methane at different stages of forcing. HortTechnology. 12 (1): 91-94.
Gracia-Garza, J.A., T.J. Blom, W. Brown and W. Allen. (2002). Pre- and post-plant applications of copper-based compounds to control Erwinia soft-rot of calla lilies. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 24: 274-280.
Raviv, M. and Blom T.J. (2001). The effect of water availability and quality on photosynthesis and productivity of soilless-grown cut roses. Scientia Horticulturae. 88: 257-276.