The following description is for the course offering in Winter 2023 and is subject to change. It is provided for information only. The course outline distributed to the class at the beginning of the semester describes the course content and delivery, and defines the methods and criteria to be used in establishing the final grades for the course.
This course introduces students to a wide range of tropical and subtropical agricultural production systems and issues. The course is comprised of a weekly 3 hour evening lecture and a ten day field trip to Costa Rica where students will visit corporate and individual farms, and university and government research stations. The field trip occurs during Reading Week in February. This course must be recorded as part of your Winter course selection. A student fee will be assessed to cover transportation, lodging and meals in addition to tuition and compulsory fees. Students must identify their interest in taking this course by contacting the instructor before the October course selection period of the previous year. For information regarding fees, see the Department of Plant Agriculture Website.
The lecture series preceding the field component of this course will provide students with the theoretical background to understand the unique characteristics, challenges, and benefits of tropical agriculture, as well as information on many of the specific crops and animals that they will see. This theoretical component will be complimented through experiential learning during the ten day field trip where students will travel by bus on a route through the Central Valley, the Caribbean Lowlands, the Central Cordillera and the Pacific west coast of Costa Rica. This route will expose them to humid tropics, tropical savanna and high altitude tropical agroecological zones. Visits to both small and large farm operations, the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), and a biological research station will expose students to a very wide range of tropical (and some temperate) crops and livestock production systems, the natural environment of the tropics as well as environmental management issues.
Pre-Requisites: (AGR*1110 or AGR*1250) or registration in International Development
Restrictions: Registration in BSC(AGR)or BA.ID or Minor in Agriculture Instructor consent required.