Tony Hunt

B.Sc. University of Reading, UK;
M.Sc. University of New Zealand;
Ph.D. University of Wales
Wheat, barley, genotype x environment, crop modelling
The underlying reasons for genotype x environment interactions in cereal crops. This is investigated predominantly using the tools of computer simulation modelling of crop development, growth and yield. The ‘Cropsim’ model of cereal crops, which encompasses disease aspects, has been developed and is continually undergoing improvement. Efforts also involve a ‘hybrid’ Cropsim-Ceres model for wheat and barley, which forms part of a Cropping System Model (CSM) included in the software package DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer). All work involves modular modelling approaches, and is linked to International efforts in the area. Work is also directed to the development of standards for documentation, reporting, archiving and utilizing agronomic data; the organization of existing data for world-wide sources into such standard structures; and to the use of such data to help model development and improve the general understanding of crop growth and development. An earlier set of standards was acknowledged by CODATA (the Committee on Data of the International Council of Scientific Unions) and an update of such standards constitutes the ICASA (International Consortium for Agricultural System Applications) standards.
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Selected Publications:
Jones, J.W., G. Hoogenboom, C.H. Porter, K.J. Boote, W.D. Batchelor, L.A. Hunt, P.W. Wilkens, U. Singh, A.J. Gijsman and J.T. Ritchie. (2002). The DSSAT Cropping System Model. European Journal of Agronomy. Special Issue.
Hunt, L.A., J.W. White and G. Hoogenboom. (2001). Agronomic data: advances in documentation and protocols for exchange and use. Agricultural Systems. 70: 477-492.
Yan, W. and L.A. Hunt. (1999). An equation for modelling the temperature response of plants using only the cardinal temperatures. Annals of Botany. 84: 607-614.
Yan, W. and L.A. Hunt. (1998). Genotype by environment interaction and crop yield. Plant Breeding Reviews. 16: 135-178.
Hunt, L.A. and S. Pararajasingham. (1995). CROPSIM - Wheat. A model describing the growth and development of wheat. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 75: 619-632.
Hunt, L.A., J.W. Jones, G. Hoogenboom, D.C. Godwin, U. Singh, N.B. Pickering, P.K. Thornton, K.J. Boote and J.T. Ritchie. (1994). Chapter 4: General Input and Output File Structures for Crop Simulation Models. In Application of Modelling in the Semi-Arid Tropics. Published by CoData, International Council of Scientific Unions. 36-53.