Department Executive
Plant Agriculture Chair: Hugh Earl (
Advisory Executive Committee:
The Advisory Executive Committee consists of the Department Chair, Associate Chair, Chairs of the Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Graduate Teaching Committee, Diploma Teaching Committee, Administrative Officer and one (1) other tenured faculty member elected by and from the faculty in the Department of Plant Agriculture:

Annual plant sale hosted by the Plant Agriculture Social Committee
Chair: Hugh Earl ( )
Administrative Officer: Madalina Mihai (
Associate Chair: Lewis Lukens (
Undergraduate Teaching Committee Chair: Francois Tardif ( )
Graduate Teaching Committee Chair: Istvan Rajcan ( )
Diploma Teaching Committee Chair: Katerina Jordan (
Elected member: Jay Subramanian (
Committee Structure
Departmental committees will represent the interests of all four divisions of Plant Agriculture. Faculty, staff and student assignments to the various committees will be undertaken in collaboration with each faculty/staff/student member and the Chair.
- Each committee will appoint a Chair and Vice Chair (if appropriate)
- Each committee is to meet a minimum of once in each semester
- The Chair of each committee will ensure that an agenda for each meeting is prepared and circulated to each of the committee members and the Department Chair and to Division Leaders as requested
- Minutes/highlights from each meeting are to be copied to the Department Chair
- Chair of each committee is responsible to the Department Chair and the Advisory Executive Committee (AEC) of the Department
- Faculty and membership on most committees will be for a minimum of 3 years while student representation will be for 1 year
- Where possible members will be replaced on a rotating basis
Committees, Members, & Responsibilities
Awards Committee
Structure & Responsibilities
- there will be representatives from the faculty, staff, graduate students as well as 1 representative from each of the teaching committees
- will nominate, prepare and submit to the appropriate agency nomination packages for individual faculty, staff and students
- will assist with publication notices of award winners through U. of G. Communication
Building & Safety Committee
Department Safety Officers:
Bovey Bldg.
- TBA (Chair)
- Bob Nichols (Staff)
Crop Science Bldg.
- TBA (Chair)
- Peter Smith (staff)
- Chris Grainger (staff)
- Sue Couling (staff)
- Ben Bandher (EHS Liaison)
Simcoe Campus
- TBA (Chair, RSS)
- Cathy Bakker (staff)
- Jason Smith (RSS)
Vineland Campus
- Jay Subramanian (Chair)
Bradford (Muck Crops Research Station)
- Mary Ruth McDonald (Chair)
- Shawn Janse (RSS)
- Kevin Vander Kooi (staff)
Guelph Turfgrass Institute (GTI)
- Katerina Jordan (Chair)
- Peter Purvis (RSS)
Structure & Responsibilities
There will be a Safety Committee at each location with representation from each of the bargaining units based at that location.
- will ensure proper safety measures have been implemented for each facility within the Department
- will audit on an annual/semi annual basis the compliance of all lab and field facilities for safety
- will ensure that proper procedures are in place for safety training of all faculty, staff, and students are completed as required
- will interact with required University committees to ensure compliance in all standards of safety
- will audit the use of alcohol for lab use within the Department
Computer Committee
- Max Jones (Chair)
- Mike Peppard
Web-site Sub-committee
- Max Jones
- Mike Peppard
- Gisele Angel
Structure & Responsibilities
- Committee is made up of the IT support staff and their supervisor.
- will determine resource needs and priorities within the Department
- will ensure communication linkages are maintained among the different locations within the Departments
- will organize teaching sessions to meet the educational and research needs of the Department
Diploma Teaching Committee
- Cam Shaw (Program Manager and Curriculum Committee Chair)
- Katerina Jordan (Program Instructor - Plant Ag)
- Tom Hsiang (Program Instructor - SES)
- Mike Van Beek (Program Sessional)
- Carie Devitt (Program Counselor)
- Verena Kulak (Admin Staff)
- Elliot Gonzalvez (Student)
- TBA (Student)
Structure & Responsibilities
- Committee Chair is appointed by the Department Chair
- Committee Chair or designate will represent the Department on the OAC Diploma Curriculum Committee
- will manage curriculum matters associated with the Department's commitment to the diploma programs
- will report to the Advisory Executive Committee on issues relating to the diploma program
- specializations in these programs will be reviewed and modified wherever appropriate
- will review teaching assignments of faculty to the diploma program
- two students, one first year and one second year will be nominated by the diploma student body within Plant Agriculture
- faculty committee members may provide academic counseling to the diploma student
Graduate Teaching Committee
- Istvan Rajcan (Chair)
- Max Jones (Associate Chair)
- Milad Eskandari
- Manish Razada
- Mary Ruth McDonald
- John Sulik
- Helen Booker
- Adrian Correndo
- John Cline
- Tara Israel (Staff)
- Naincy Sharma (PhD Student Rep)
- Kelly Ruigrok (MSc Student Rep)
Structure & Responsibilities
- Committee will be chaired by the graduate coordinator who is appointed by the Chair of the Department
- will process graduate student applications and acceptances, monitoring graduate student progress
- will establish Departmental graduate student policy and external program evaluations
- will review and modify where appropriate the graduate curriculum
- will organize and evaluate Ph.D. evaluations
- will report to the AEC issues relating to graduate program
- will have representation from the Ph.D. and M.Sc. programs (to be selected by the graduate student body)
- Chair or designate to represent the Department at College meetings related to graduate student issues
- will assist graduate students and faculty with conflict resolutions
- will have the Graduate Secretary serve on the Committee
Growth Facilities Committee
- David Wolyn (Chair)
- Hugh Earl
- Ron Dutton
- Donna Hancock
- Dave Kerec
- Sue Couling
- Rodger Tschanz
Liaison Committee
- Hugh Earl (Chair)
- Gisele Angel (staff)
NSERC Review Committee
Structure & Responsibilities
- will review NSERC operating/strategic grant proposals of professors or new applicants
- will provide constructive guidance for improving the success of the proposal
Retreat Committee
- Chris Gillard (Faculty)
Seminar Committee
Structure & Responsibilities
- will organize a series of seminars to be held each semester within the Department
- for the most part, seminars will be organized for the Guelph campus and when possible may be repeated at the Vineland Research Station
- will prepare budget requests to cover costs of speakers - to be submitted to the Department Chair
Unity Committee / Including United Way
- Mohsen Yoosefzadeh Najafabadi (Chair)
- Mohsen Hesami
- Gisele Angel
- Gord Hoover
- Lyndsay Schram
- Naincy Sharma
Structure & Responsibilities
- will promote the spirit of the department through social activities
- will assist in organizing the departmental celebrations
- will submit budget requests to the Department Chair as requested
- will acknowledge special personal events that occur within the department
Strategic Plan Committee
- Hugh Earl, Chair
- Max Jones
- Milad Eskandari
- Bernard Grodzinski
- Peter Smith
- Tara Israel
- Gisele Angel
Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Hugh Earl (Chair)
- Katerina Jordan
- Jayasankar Subramanian
- Milad Eskandari
- Lewis Lukens
Undergraduate Teaching Committee
- Francois Tardif (Chair, Crops Advisor)
- Barry Micallef (Horticulture, Honours Agr. Advisor)
- Liz Lee
- Max Jones (Plant Science Advisor)
- Gisele Angel (Staff)
- (Student)
- (Student)
Structure & Responsibilities
- Committee Chair is appointed by the Department Chair
- the Committee Chair or designate will represent the department at the B.Sc. Agr./B.Sc. College Program Committee
- will manage undergraduate curriculum and counseling matters associated with the department s commitment to the B.Sc. and B.Sc. (Agr.) programs
- will review majors and specializations in these programs and modify wherever appropriate to reflect the merged disciplines
- will review teaching assignments of faculty to the undergraduate B.Sc. Agr and B.Sc. programs and make recommendations to the Department Chair
- will appoint 2 undergraduate students preferably one from the B.Sc. Plant Science Program and one from the B.Sc.(Agr.), CHATs or Organic Ag Programs
- will report to the AEC on issues relating to the undergraduate program will be responsible for reviewing course content
- faculty members of the Committee will conduct undergraduate student counselling
- will have representation from the Admin staff
- will promote the major/specialization/program within and outside the University
- will ensure that undergraduate information described on the Web is accurate and up-to-date
University Drug Control
- Praveen Saxena