Ontario Crops Research Centre – Elora
Most of the 650 hectares at the centre is used for feed production and manure disposal for the University beef and dairy herds, but 120 ha. of level, systematically tile drained land is available for field crops research. Buried water lines allow overhead irrigation accessibility to 90 ha. Three large buildings are used by the Department for threshing, sample storage, sample freezing, sample drying, seed cleaning, machinery storage and repair. Additional crop drying facilities are provided by 2 converted tobacco kilns. A small heated and ventilated pesticide storage building is also used by the Department. Major crops under study at the Elora centre include cereals (corn, wheat and barley) oilseeds (soybeans and canola), edible beans (white and coloured), and forages such as alfalfa.
The Ontario Crops Research Centre is owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario and managed by the University of Guelph through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, a collaboration between U of G and the Government of Ontario.